What is Computer?
How information is processed?
Computer accepts inputs (i.e. data), The input is translated into binary numbers (0 and 1) and processed it also produces output (i.e. information).
Input--> Processing--> Output
History of computer ?
Thousands of years ago it was very difficult to calculate for humans. In the beginning humans used stone pieces, fingers and pebbles etc to calculate their things. But by these means large calculations were not possible. This form of computer is attained only after many years of human effort. Abacus was the first calculator.ABACUS
Abacus was the first calculator. Abacus was created by a Chinese scientist about 3000 years ago. It is a rectangular wooden structure. In which it is calculated by transferring round grains in iron rods.PASCALINE
Pascaline was built in 1642 by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. It was computed at a speed higher than Abacus. It became known as the first mechanical calculator.DIFFERENCE ENGINE
The differential engine was the first automatic counting machine. It was invented in 1882 by Sir Charles Babbage. This instrument used to purify and speed up mathematical work.Sir Charles Babbage invented the first automatic counting machine. On the basis of which instruments are still used today. That's why Charles Babbage is called the father of computers.
Eniac's full name is Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator. Eniac is the first electronic computer. It was developed in 1946 by Sir J. P. ACARD and J. MAUCHALI. It was more in size and weight.MARK-I
It was the first electronic computer made by IBM (Inter National Business Machine). It was built in 1994 by Howard Ican.You May Also Like:
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How many types of Generation of computer ?
1st Generation:- (1940 - 1956) Vaccum tubes
Below is a description of the development of the computer from year to year:
- Abacus was invented in Babylonian 3000 BC.
- In 1800 BCE Babylonian invented the allogarithm for the number problem.
- In 500 BCE, the Egyptians created Manika and Tar Abacus.
- The use of computing trays began in Japan in 200 BCE.
- The new abacus was brought by Garbert or Pope of Orlyc in 1000 BCE.
- In 1617 AD, the inventor of Scotland, John Napier, spoke of the system of multiplying by subtraction and addition by subtraction.
- In 1622, the slide rule was developed by William Outred.
- The first quadratic calculator-clock was invented in 1624 AD by Wilhelm Sicard of Heidberg University.
- The first numerical counting machine was built in 1642 by Blaise Pascal of Paris.
- Electricity was discovered in 1780 AD by Benjamin Franklin.
- Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876 AD.
- The commercial mechanical calculating machine was developed by William Baroug in 1886 AD which was successful.
- In 1889 the Hollerith tabulating machine issued a patent.
- In 1896 AD, Hollerith manufactured the sorting machine through the Tabulating Machine Company (which was established by him himself).
- The computer tabulating recording company emerged after the merger of the tabulating company in 1911 AD. It was founded by the merger of Computing Scale Company and International Time Recording Company.
- In 1921, the Rosem Universal robot was used by Karel Chepek. The use of the check word robot used to perform mechanical worker analysis.
- Large scale analog calculator was developed by Vannevar Bush at MIT in 1925 AD.
- The use of the first public radio telephone began between London and New York in 1927 AD.
- In 1931, Conard Zeus of Germany made the Z-1 or the first calculator.
- In 1936, Englishman Alan M. Turning built a machine capable of computing any function / function to be counted.
- In 1937, George Stybz built the first quadratic calculator at the Bell Telephone Laboratory.
- In 1938, the Hewlett Packard Company made electrical equipment.
- Colorful broadcasting from television began in 1940 AD
- In 1940, remote processing experiments were started by Bell Laboratory by constructing the first terminal.
- In 1944, the Colossus Mark-2 was built in England.
- The Association for Computing Machinery was formed in 1947 AD.
- In 1948, I.B.M. 604 electronic calculator was released by.
- The first joint computer conference was held in 1951 AD.
- In 1953, the first high-speed printer was developed by Remington Rand for UniWake.
- Japan nec in 1958 AD The first electronic computer nec- 1101 and 1102 was developed.
- The first removable disc was introduced in 1960 AD.
- In 1958 AD, the first mini computer PDP-8 came from Digital Equipment Company.
- In 1969, a 16 byte mini computer by the Digital Equipment Company, P.D.P. -11/20 was prepared.
- An 8 byte micro processor was introduced by Intel in 1972.
- In 1976, Perkin Elmer and Gauld Sel launched the super mini computer market.
- The establishment of Apple Computer in 1977 AD brought the Apple-2 personal computer.
- In 1980, the total number of computers in the United States reached over 1 million.
- In 1983, the total number of computers in the United States exceeded 1 crore.
- In 1983, the total number of computers in the United States crossed the 3 crore mark.
- In 1992, the Windows operating system for the working group was launched by Microsoft.
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